Calypso Ultrasonic juhtmega NMEA tuule andur

Pay in three equal instalments 3 x 133.00 


Built with ultrasonic sensors, it will provides you one of the greatest accuracy in an anemometer.

SKU: 95629


Wind Speed                  Range: 0 – 25 m/s.  Accuracy: ±0.1 m/s at 10 m/s

Wind direction             Range: 0 – 360º.   Accuracy: ±1º

Sensors                        Sample rate: 0.1 Hz to 20 Hz.

Ultrasonic transducers (4x)

Power                            3.3-18 V DC.

Power consumption       (RS485) 0.25 mA at 38400 bauds, 1 Hz. (5V)

Data output                  NMEA0183 ( RS485 on demand/Poll)

IP Code                         NOT to be submerged fully or partially in water.

Configuration options

baudrate:                     2400 to 115200 (8n1) bauds

output rate:                 0.1 to 20 Hz.