Bellatrix purjetab ümber maailma
Raamat räägib Imre Aljase ümbermaailmareisist.
Paljud unistavad.
Imre Aljas võttis kätte ja tegi ära – purjetas oma väikese paadiga ümber maailma. See on raamat sellest, kuidas ka mees, kes pole purjesportlane ega… -
Koormarihma pehmendus Chok-A-Blok 2tk
Protects against surface damage and scratches by soft bottom. Easy to apply – just twist onto straps.
Package contains 2 pcs. -
Weicon Repair Stick Aqua 115g
Ideal for quick repairs on damp and wet surfaces and for underwater applications. For the repair and sealing of cracks, holes and leaks in petrol and water tanks, radiators, electrical…
Libisemisvastane teip must
Stamped stripes with rounded corners
The blister pack contains 2 sheets with 5 stripes eachPikkus: 30cm
Laius: 19mm
Libisemisvastane teip valge
Stamped stripes with rounded corners
The blister pack contains 2 sheets with 5 stripes eachPikkus: 30cm
Laius: 19mm
Navigeerimise vahendite komplekt
Contains Divider, Nautical square and Triangle PN63 and PN61, pencil, eraser, pencil sharpener and rope. Delivered with bag.
Eesti merekaardid osa 2
Väinameri Suurupi poolsaarest Saaremaani
Uus, 2020a. versioon. -
Eesti merekaardid osa 3
Saaremaast Ruhnuni
Messingist ühe-käe sirkel 17cm
Messingist inglise stiilis ühe-käe sirkel, terasest otsad.
Pikkus: 17 cm. -
Kaarditöö vahendite komplekt
Divider traditional style, matt finished treated with zapon (gold), handlecup, 180mm length, measurement range 250mm
Triangular Protactors and Triangle, Plexiglass 2mm, with handle and suspending hole. Graduation 360°-1°, length hypothenuse 250mm -
Süvistatav ridvahoidja (roostevaba)
Rod Holder stainless steel with glassfibre reinforced nylon inlay. 38mm dia. inside
60° nurga all, PVC kate.
Gaasiballoon butaan propaan segu 4x220g
Butaani ja propaani segu sobib kasutamiseks ka madalamatel temperatuuridel.
Pakis neli 220g gaasiballooni. -
Tähed ja numbrid PVC kleebised
Use these number and letter set to easily stick names, registration numbers or similar lettering to the side of your boat. The PVC stickers are completely waterproof and extremely durable….
Tähed ja numbrid PVC kleebised (valged)
Use these number and letter set to easily stick names, registration numbers or similar lettering to the side of your boat. The PVC stickers are completely waterproof and extremely durable….
Otste hoidik Barton Line Tamer 2tk (tumehall)
A simple and unique cleat designed to enable halyard tails and control lines to be stowed neatly, ready for use and helping prevent snags.
Keeps your cockpit tidy and safe.
… -
Otste hoidik Barton Line Tamer 2tk (valge)
A simple and unique cleat designed to enable halyard tails and control lines to be stowed neatly, ready for use and helping prevent snags.
Keeps your cockpit tidy and safe.
… -
Totalcool 3000 õhujahutaja
Designed and manufactured in the UK, the revolutionary Totalcool 3000 provides the very latest in high quality evaporative cooling technology, using the latest technology and ergonomic designs, working on 12v,…