Veepaak kott 200L
Mõõdud: 1750×700 mm
Kõrgus täidetuna: 250 mm
Inner bag made of dense PVC plastic that is taste and odorless, outer fabric in nylon with double seams. The inner bag can be removed for… -
Veepaak kott 50L
Mõõdud: 700×700 mm
Kõrgus täidetuna: 250 mm
Inner bag made of dense PVC plastic that is taste and odorless, outer fabric in nylon with double seams. The inner bag can be removed for… -
Veepaak kott kolmnurk 120L
Mõõdud: 1050×1150 mm
Kõrgus täidetuna: 250 mm
Inner bag made of dense PVC plastic that is taste and odorless, outer fabric in nylon with double seams. The inner bag can be removed for… -
Jabsco tualett Twist&Lock
Manuaalne portselanist tualett.
Laius 450, kõrgus 340, sügavus 410 mm.
Jabsco veepump ParMax 2 (12V)
Connections: for 13mm (½”) bore hose or Hep20 push-fit connectors CW193
Dimensions: 231mm long, 99mm wide, 106mm high
Fuse Size: 10(amp)
Maximum Current: 6(amps)
Output: 7.6 litres/minute (2 gallons/minute) open flow
Jabsco veepump ParMax 3 (12V)
Connections: for 13mm (½”) bore hose or Hep20 push-fit connectors CW193
Dimensions: 230mm long, 152mm wide, 110mm high
Fuse Size: 10 amp
Maximum Current: 4.4(amps)
Output: 11 litres/minute (2.4 gallons/minute) open flow
Jabsco veepump ParMax 3 (24V)
Connections: for 13mm (½”) bore hose or Hep20 push-fit connectors CW193
Dimensions: 230mm long, 152mm wide, 110mm high
Fuse Size: 10 amp
Maximum Current: 4.4(amps)
Output: 11 litres/minute (2.4 gallons/minute) open flow
Floline 12v veepump
35 PSI.
12,5l minutis.
Sisseehitatud survelüliti.
Gobius 4 vee/kütuse paagi taseme andurite süsteem
Gobius 4, tank monitor for water, fuel and fluid tanks.
The Gobius Measurement System is based on our patented technology (Gobius Sensor Technology) that can best be described as knocking and…
Gobius 4 septipaagi taseme andurite süsteem
The perfect tank monitor for your waste tank whether it is in metal or plastic. LEDs of different colors show four levels; empty, 1 / 4-, 1 / 2- and…
Gobius 1 septipaagi andur
A simple system for overflow protection, which prevents you from inadvertently filling your waste tank, that is, it tells you when the tank is 3/4-full and the toilet can’t be…
Septipaak 24L
Roostevabast terasest, seina paksus 1,5mm.
Laius 400, kõrgus 300, sügavus 200 mm.
Torude läbimõõt 38mm, vent toru läbimõõt 19mm.
Kinnitusklambrid on komplektis.
Septipaak 40L
Roostevabast terasest, seina paksus 1,5mm.
Laius 500, kõrgus 400, sügavus 200 mm.
Torude läbimõõt 38mm, vent toru läbimõõt 19mm.
Kinnitusklambrid on komplektis.
Septipaak 56L
Roostevabast terasest, seina paksus 1,5mm.
Laius 700, kõrgus 400, sügavus 200 mm.
Torude läbimõõt 38mm, vent toru läbimõõt 19mm.
Kinnitusklambrid on komplektis.
Pilsipump Attwood Sahara S500 MK2 automaatne
Sisseehitatud veetaseme sensor. Roostevabast terasest ajam. Testnupp. Ühendus ø19/25 mm toruga (toru sisemõõt). Võimekus: 26 liitrit minutis. 12V.